Friday, July 22, 2011

Tom Coburn: President Obama Will Back Down On Budget Bill Veto Threat (VIDEO)

The Republican Tea Party has been quick to hold a gun to the head of our economy in order to "cut, cap and kill" Medicare, an effective, efficientl­y managed national health care plan for the elderly. Let's hope that for once, Republican selfish has gone too far. This idea that we must gut and fillet the poor in order to protect the filet mignon tax cut that Bush gave himself, his family and his friends is a disgrace in a wealthy nation. Specially since all of us paid taxes that bailed this country out of a Republican economic mess.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, July 11, 2011

Gonorrhea Superbug: First Antibiotic-Resistant STD Strain Discovered

Evolution in spades. But, of course, evolution doesn't exist, does it? Then what created this super bug? It will be something like this super bug, only deadly, which will sweep the world pretty much clear of the human species.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Minnesota Shutdown 2011: Budget Dispute Continues, Negotiations Resume (LATEST UPDATES)

The Republican Tea Party is as cold as dead fish. They care not who they harm just so long as they keep the wealthy wealthy and in control of their party and the nation. They got us into this mess, but we must first bail them out, then suffer all the cuts, while the wealthy go right on raking in the dividends from their global economy companies. Tom Delay is partying hearty down in Texas for certain with who knows what oil man from the Middle East?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Obama Says 'Nothing Can Be Off-Limits' In Budget Talks

The Bush tax cut for the wealthy must be returned to the treasury. The wealthy created this mess with their greed and malfeasanc­e. We bailed the wealthy out with our tax dollars and now we are cutting funding for services that help the unemployed­, the underemplo­yed, the permanentl­y unemployab­le for physical and mental reasons and also those on fixed income. AT WHAT POINT DO THE WEALTHY CONTRIBUTE THEIR SHARE TO CLEANING UP THE MESS THAT THEY CAUSED? If this isn't class warfare, the rich plundering the poor, then this is not 2011.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Mitt Romney Backtracks: Economy Not Worse Under Obama

I suggest Romney (as well as many other of us) ought to read The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives:

"It may come as an epiphany merely to recognize the ubiquitous role of random processes in our lives; the true power of the theory of random processes, however, lies in the fact that once we understand the nature of random processes, we can alter the way we perceive the events that happen around us."

Leonard Mlodinow, pp. 217-18.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost