Thursday, October 21, 2004


I almost forgot to mention it. Gosh, that's even sounding old to me, but my wife and I went to Tony Roma's and I had honey something baby back ribs and corn on the cob (nothing ever beats the corn from back east though) and cauliflower, and tonight I finished watching Camille with Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor and, boy, you can see how romantic a fool I was when I was young because I loved that movie and also Cyrano. . . . Now look at me, the old reprobate skeptic and atheist. . . .


in Tahuyah (as in, What's it Tahuya, Bub?) Washington, then I'll observe his improv group in Paulsbo on Saturday night which he put together on his own, and . . .

so no more posts for a couple of days. . . .


Well, a few more weeks and this war will no longer be Rove/Bush’s war. It’ll either be Kerry’s war or it’ll be America’s war, for, if we return Rove to office, America tells the world that all Americans support Bush’s war, and we all become responsible for our dead and wounded soldiers and Iraq’s civilian deaths and maiming. Frankly, I don’t want that sordid charge on my head. Do you? It should remain on Bush’s shoulders, the man who rushed to an irresponsible judgment and got us into an illegitimate war. Take away Bush’s opportunity to do us further harm by electing Kerry, but make sure Bush can’t shift the disaster onto our shoulders.

Some happenings tell me that Bush/Rove doesn’t even consider his own war legitimate. The desertion in battle of a U.S. platoon of the 343rd Army Reserve Quartermaster Company will go unpunished it seems. To refuse a direct order when a nation is at “war” is a crime usually punished by court martial and death or imprisonment. It seems the only punishment these troops are going to get is to get the hell out of Iraq and to go home. Gosh, Bush, what a punishment that is!

Sadly, Bush’s failure to punish desertion under fire shows just how weak and illegitimate Rove and Bushman company must feel about their war. If they were really tough on this war, they’d come down with both feet on failure to perform under fire. But they aren’t going to do that. That would not be politically popular, and, so far during this four years of one catastrophe after another, Rove has directed Bush to do nothing unpopular while in office. War support must be pretty thin, if Bush/Rove can’t even punish serious failure to perform duties in a time of war.


A friend of mine came up with an interesting idea. He noted that some old-fashioned Bible prophets might take some meaning out of certain things which have happened to America during Bush’s term.

Early on in Bush’s term, after the Florida vote count debacle, one of our space ships disintegrated and burned brightly over Texas, like an early warning sign in the sky over Bush’s home state to mark a natural disaster coming to visit America because of his election. More to the point, what would an Old Testament prophet make of the four hurricanes that have devastated Florida, the very state in which Bush stole the election? Quite a visitation of god’s wrath, don’t you agree? What would a prophet make of god’s turning plenty into deficit during Bush’s term? Then, what would that prophet make of the Twin Towers being smote by our enemies on our own shores? And what of the war which has come to us through the actions of Bush? Add on elders being left without flu vaccine and poverty increasing in the land and more people falling out of coverage with health care, an old time prophet would have his scrolls full, trying to tally up how god is showing his anger with the Bush presidency.

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." —George Bush (Why, of course! Why didn't I think of that?!)

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