In the first place, I was surprised to find that all the blog entries that I used to have worked up ahead have all been used up. So I hope I can get the ambition to work a little ahead again. So I'll fall back on yesterday. . . . I do just gotta go back to Monday's entry and the comment of anonymous. He seemed quite upset that I agreed with Zach and wrote an entertaining scenario of the Lord helping Zach win the Master's Championship. After all, I agreed with Zach and claimed I also saw Jesus helping Zach win the tournament. So why would any good Christian get upset with that? Is it because I added human details, thus humanizing the figure of Jesus who, when he was walking around Earth, according to the mythology, was human when he was doing his walkabout? I didn't think that was so bad, but, something else occurs to me.

I'm also including a couple more photos from around these parts as you can see.
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