It’s Fall definitely now in November, and, finally, the cottonwoods are changing (see photo), but my buddy in Erie PA tells me it’s in the 60s there while in Vancouver it is in the 50s today. What’s up wid dat? So, today, I was much depressed thinking of how many ways health insurers from private to Medicare try to shift as much expense onto the client as they can and do so in very sneaky ways so that you don’t see it coming until it’s halfway up your butt. It’s stealth insurance for sure. Then, also, today, I hear that my PSA jumped a little bit more than one point and that scares me since it’s that old black prostate cancer that killed my dad, a very aggressive form of it. And he died at age 77, and, as anyone who reads this blog knows, I turned 70 in October. So I’m more scared than I let myself in on until one minute I’m talking to a buddy about our lives and, suddenly, it hits me that any plans we make for too far in the future to see each other again, might be too late. Then I got a tingling sense of fear all the way from my funny bones in my elbows, all around the chest cavity into my heart.

One good thing about my walk today is that the old blue heron is back. I thought that when the city poisoned the blackberry bushes on the little isthmus where he spends a lot of time and cut down all the vegetation there that, perhaps, they scared the old bird away or, maybe, killed him with poison. But there he was today sitting atop one of his favorite pilings. Picture included.
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