Friday, November 12, 2004


There’s little to say about that terrible day. I didn't want to go home and listen to the votes roll in tonight. I don’t know if I can stand it. By the time I post this, it’ll be a few days past election day, and, hopefully, we’ll know who our next president is. Maybe not. But, today, something happened in the Netherlands which bothers me a great deal and almost makes me a bushman.

A film maker was shot and stabbed to death for making a film critical of the Koran and of the Moslem suppression of women. The killer held joint citizenship in Morocco and in the Netherlands. He left a note stabbed into the film maker’s chest.

I don’t know that it is yet my business to tell mid-Eastern countries how to run their affairs, but when they come into Western countries and show no respect for free speech and for Western traditions, then, I’m not so sure we don’t need to stamp them out or, at least, not let them live in our countries. That act really pisses me off.

I think the murderer demonstrates, again, some link between men who don’t respect the equality of women and men full of rage. It shows again that fundamentalism of all kinds is not a healthy modern psychology. Murderous, jealous, insane and irrational, but not healthy or modern or rational.


The Universe is exactly as it must be. The Cosmos could not be anything else than it is.


In “The Passover Plot”, Schonfield says of whoever wrote the Gospel, John: “The Greek author of this Gospel, as we have it, has effectively buried the Jesus of history and substituted his own theological notion of the Son of God, a posturing polemical figure with a streak of anti-Semitism, wholly incompatible with the Messiah of apostolic tradition.” (p. 99)


Again from Schonfield: “The tendency of the Christians as the Church developed was increasingly to stress the guilt of the Jews and to whitewash Pilate, and we have to allow for this [reflection] in the later Gospels.” (p. 129) Some of this change in attitude over the years, as reflected in the inconsistent Gospels, proves that the Gospels were written much later than the time of Christ and that the later Gospels reveal that change over time.


If the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East as the Bible tells us, and if all the animals were created and named in the Garden of Eden, how did the penguin survive while waddling to the South Pole, how did the lowly earthworm spread across the oceans, how did the cricket hop all the way to South America, how did the buffalo swim the oceans to North America?

Okay! Let’s say you tell me that all these creatures were in their places around the globe and that Adam only named representatives of each animal in the Garden. Though, you’re making up a bunch of stuff that isn’t clearly stated, I’ll let you get away with it. But, then, we have the same problem after the flood. In the case of the flood, we know that all the animals were in one place, the ark, after the waters subsided. So the same problem exists after the flood which existed right after the creation. How did these non-swimming and slow-moving animals and spread themselves back around the earth?

"Scriptures, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based." —Ambrose Bierce

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