Friday, July 15, 2005


How can anyone not see the connection between the Bible stories of the arisen Christ and the stories that came before as revealed in the short article below, and further, see how the Jesus stories grew out of those earlier myths? Then just how much more sense does it take to imagine those times and how stories were told around the campfire and were woven into the mythologies of the desert tribes and eventually got written down and made powerful by the Roman Empire? All one needs do is to see how in just two-hundred years the Mormon Church has risen out of the dreaming of a madman, named Joseph Smith, who made up out of whole cloth the Book of Mormon, now taken as gospel by how many millions? Just follow the bouncing ball and you can see in this modern Mormon religion how all religions were begun, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity. All one needs do is imagine those days in a realistic way, those days when old age was 30 and none but a few read, and superstition ran riot in the minds of the ignorant, when no one knew about the Atlantic Ocean nor the Pacific. When the world was probably no bigger to the average citizen than a few leagues outside the city wall or the reach of the herdsmen’s herds. Yes, that’s right, Christ never existed except as an ancient myth passed on and passed on and which is still being passed on by those whose imaginations are just not powerful enough to walk in the shoes of the fishermen of those ancient days and then to reflect further and see how myths that lived then still live amongst us in Easter Celebrations and are nothing more than myths.

[Open quote.] Mithra was an ancient sun-god worshipped 600 years before Christ, and whose birthday was celebrated on what is now December 25th (three days after the solstice when the lengthening days became apparent.) His first worshippers were shepherds and he was followed in his travels by 12 companions. Mithra was slain upon a cross in Persia to atone for humankind and take away the sins of the world. His ascension to heaven was celebrated at the spring equinox (Easter).

Quexalcote was a Mexican god worshipped for more than 500 years before Christ. Quexalcote too was said to be born of a virgin, was crucified on a cross, and resurrected three days later.

Horus was born of the virgin Isis in Egypt around 1550 B.C. Horus as an infant received gifts from three kings, and was crucified on a cross. There are close to 200 parallels to the myths of Horus and Jesus Christ.

Attis was worshipped 200 years before Christ and was said to be born of a virgin, Nana. The Attis cult became prominent in Rome, and its influence on Christianity is undeniable, for in Italy, Gaul and Phrygia, early Christians adopted March 25, the day Attis was said to have died, as the date of the passion of Christ.

Krishna, Adonis, Quirinus, and Indra are the names of other god/prophets worshipped before Christ, all said to be born of a virgin and sacrificed to save humankind. All of these myths, including Jesus, are tales woven from even more ancient pagan rituals. Twelve followers symbolize twelve months, three day resurrections symbolize the three months between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, and the virgin birth is a metaphor for spiritual renewal.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that "the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter." The story of Jesus was copied from earlier theologies and more ancient superstitions.

Information for these articles was taken from copies of NonTracts published by FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) Inc. . [Close quote.]


Many people claim to be proponents of Intelligent Design, but very few are reputable scientists. According to H. Allen Orr, in an excellent article, “Devolution” (THE NEW YORKER, May 30, 2005), only two stand out: Michael J. Behe (biologist) and William A. Dembski (mathematician). But even these two, whose seem to be men of integrity, have backed off on their claims. Orr works through these two scientists' major complaints with Darwinism and shows how recent discoveries have answered their challenges. In fact, both men have made recent statements which show their reluctance to push their claims against Darwin’s truths much further.

According to Orr, “Behe has confessed to ‘sloppy prose’ and said he hadn’t meant to imply that irreducibly complex systems ‘by definition’ cannot evolve gradually. ‘I quite agree that my argument against Darwinism does not add up to a logical proof....’ Behe and his followers now emphasize that while irreducibly complex systems can in principle evolve, biologists can’t reconstruct in convincing detail just how any such system did evolve.” Thanks to Orr for clearly devolving Behe’s arguments, and if all Darwin needs is a reconstruction of some irreducibly complex system, I’m sure that clever scientists will eventually supply that last requirement to silence Behe’s arguments.

And Dembski who used complex mathematical formulations to undermine the possibility of evolutionary successes now admits that “I certainly never argued that the N.F.L. theorems provide direct refutation of Darwinism.”

And these admissions come just as the ID people are making huge pushes to bring ID into our public schools as science when it is still only religion warmed over. Interesting also is the “Wedge Document” out of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute, a leading Intelligent Design pusher, which shows that IDs have no scientific purpose in pushing ID. They clearly have the goal to bring god into science in the classroom.

“I don’t know, I don’t care, and it doesn’t make any difference.” —Jack Kerouac on god.

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