Saturday, December 04, 2004


Recently an acquaintance of mine informed me that I’ve been right about my fears of fundamental Christianity’s threat to American freedoms. She thought all these years I’d been exaggerating in my letters to the editor and in my blog entries. But, as a poll worker in the recent election, she observed one of the hysterically demented Christian ones when her precinct voting place was invaded. Bullying, threatening, controlling and mad, this Xtian tried to drive liberals away from the poll; this woman thoroughly convinced my friend of the correctness of my observations about the madness of the convicted ones.

Not only did this conservative Christian hound decent voters, she brought in mentally challenged voters who voted for Bush because, “He’s going to give me lots of money if I vote for him.” I do believe anyone has a right to vote, but you can see how this one was probably mislead and coached to vote as the Christians wanted him to vote. Many Christians are just that naive, uninformed and mentally challenged, and they can vote too. Pretty scary!

I was born and raised in southern Ohio, near enough to the Bible belt to be beaten by it from time to time, and I can testify to the power and insanity of Christian fundamentalism. Later experience with them during my stay in the South did nothing to alter my views. I’m sorry to say it, I really am, but they are just not sane, fair or reasonable people, by and large.


The following three paragraphs actually come to me via the Internet, passed on by John Hill from some other web site I’ve forgotten:

“The ‘Left Behind’ series, the best selling novels, enthusiastically depict Jesus returning to slaughter everyone who is not a born-again Christian. These books depict the world's Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and secular humanist, along with many Roman Catholic and Unitarians, as being heaved into everlasting fire: ‘Jesus merely raised one hand a few inches and ...they tumbled in, howling and screeching.’

“If Saudi Arabians wrote an Islamic version of this ‘Left Behind’ series, we would furiously demand that sensible Muslims repudiate such hatemongering.

“Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, co-authored the series of books. They state that their books do not celebrate the slaughter of non-Christians but simply present the painful reality of Scripture. Jenkins said, ‘We can't read it some other way just because it sounds exclusivistic and not currently politically correct.’”

Well, guys, this is the scary reality of non-Christian thinking. You two Xtians are a couple of lunatics to take such nonsense seriously, and if other of you Xtians think you are not also crazy lunatics, then get busy and drive these other lunatics out of your doors. Disown them. Mock them. Put them away from thee!

The troubling thing to realize in this ‘left behind’ nonsense is the wishful thinking expressed in it by the insane one’s who believe this nonsense. They actually believe their superstitious twaddle. When you count up the number of people who believe this stuff, you can see that our United States is crammed full of insanity. Back when I was a kid and people began to talk about the insanity in America, they were talking about the beliefs of these crazy people. It had poisoned America and threatens to do so again.

PS: Jenkins and LaHaye’s unrepentant condemnation of me, my Buddhist wife and others of faiths not like theirs, relieves me of the need to feel any restraint as I criticize them and their crazy beliefs. They’re insane, really and literally and truly insane!


“The fighter's ideology [in Iraq], as far as they have one, derives from a doomsday vision known among Islamic experts as the Takfiri philosophy. Adherents consider themselves empowered to decide who is a good Muslim and to exterminate everyone else (the kafirs) in the name of creating a pure Islamic state.” (from Newsweek, November 29, 2004, p. 36)

All I can say is, “Imagine a world without fundamentalists of any kind, Jewish, Moslem or Christian. Just imagine it. We’d have a little mopping up to do in Dafur and in Haiti, but just imagine a world without fundamental religionists. Aaaaaah, so very peeeeaceful...

"Being well dressed gives a feeling of tranquility that religion is powerless to bestow." —Ralph Waldo Emerson (quoting a friend) [Anyhow, what do you think of that!]

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