A fundamental lie of the conservative argument is that the government doesn't create jobs. I beg to differ. I pay taxes in order that the government will hire people to do the jobs I think the government ought to do—non-profit sorts of jobs that aggressive and dishonest types don't consider worthwhile. When I buy a product, I expect that some of my money will go to create jobs in the private sector. Either way, my money employs people. The best thing about the jobs my money creates in the government sector is that most of that money stays in the United States. The bad part of the money I spend in the private sector is that much of it goes into Chinese workers' pockets while our wealthy capitalists skim off large amounts of my money to enrich themselves in the form of dividends and profits. I think my money is better spent on government jobs than on Chinese jobs. Think about that, folks! I also think of my government as my non-profit corporation aimed to create a better society for the average citizen. Think about that too, folks!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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