MIDDLE EAST IS NOT SIMPLE, says Munich screenwriter

The first is from Newsweek and contains a quote from the Jewish author, Tony Kushner, about the Middle East. Just as I think no issue is simple, I must agree with Mr. Kushner on this one. Simple-minded answers on most issues lead to rigid dogma, murder and mayhem. He says, "Anybody who thinks there's a simple line to be taken on the Middle East is an idiot."
Several years ago and for about six years, I edited, wrote for and published a small microzine called George & Mertie's Place. I came across some really comical fortunes predicated on astrological signs. At first I scanned the few I found into the microzine, then borrowing the concept, I actually read a few small books on astrology, enough to begin writing my own comic fortunes. The second is cut and scanned from George & Mertie's Place. Enjoy.
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