Thursday, October 24, 2013


Nazis didn't like socialism either
The consuming taxpayers pay for everything in the world. We pay the wages of the politicians and the dividends of the wealthy. We pay through taxes for certain necessary services and for personnel to operate those services, and, through the price of our purchases, we pay the salaries of all corporate people and the wage earners of those corporations. Isn't that clear enough—as consumers we pay each others wages in both the private and public sectors? 

Since we workers pay for everything, we ought to be pretty furious at those who sit around and skim the cream off the free market (capitalistic) economic system while the real generators of wealth go hungry and go without good health care. What we need to do is figure out a way to get all those top dog corporate monkeys, stock holders and dividend takers off our consuming, taxpaying backs, but how do we do that without making ourselves vulnerable to a government that we might make too large and before they assassinate real reformers? Where are the Teapublicans when we need them? This "free market" economic system ought to make all us tax paying consumers mad as hell!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Keep this to the front of our minds as the Teapublican Party continues holding impoverished children, the handicapped, retired seniors and veterans hostage in order to get a budget agreement that permanently harms those vulnerable groups. Four percent of any population is sociopathic. Then there are many others with very low empathetic (conscience) brain functions. I'm sure conscience or lack of it can be plotted on a bell curve just as can most human traits. I believe it's safe to say that the Teapublican Party is dominated by those two groups of people. It's not their fault—they were born that way—but the rest of us should watch out when they try to con us into going along with them by attempting to manipulate our evolved adaptations for selfishness. Our agreement with their selfish policies might indicate we also might be brain damaged. Let's hope the human species is slowly evolving toward more altruistic behavior than selfish behavior. The world need not be as selfish as it is. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Republicans frequently mix up cause and effect when they discuss human behavior. Clear evidence of that confusion is revealed in their plan for cutting back on COLA increases for seniors on social security. It's called chained consumer price index (CPI). Roughly, chained CPI assumes that as one's income decreases, he (or she) will spend less on food (i.e. steak to chicken) or prescriptions or medical care, etcetera. Thus, according to Republicans, senior benefits can be reduced since they will spend less. However, that is assbackwards. The chained CPI reduces money to people on social security benefits and creates the effect of people spending less on necessary items. A chained CPI will force people to spend less because they'll have less to spend.

Republicans think the same backward way about capitalism. Obviously, for capitalism (or free enterprise) to work, many must be poor so that a few may be wealthy. I can see no evidence in history or currently where capitalism does not create much poverty while allowing only a very few to fully benefit from it, but when altruists discuss helping those whose poverty is created by capitalism, the wealthy Republican, instead of feeling responsible to relieve the poverty their economic system creates, blames the poor for being poor in a system which needs many to be poor if it is to work correctly. Cause and effect are clearly turned around in a Republican's brain. 

I think Teapublicanism is a brain defect of cause and effect caused when the circuits between moral feelings and one's actions aren't fully developed. In order to be so callous, one must not be able to feel the pain of others very deeply. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2013


proves that reason is not necessarily sanity
Yesterday I saw a tee shirt that read, WHEN NOTHING GOES RIGHT, GO LEFT
I often am surprised when an old friend (who admits he still lives in fear of the devil) and I discuss things from afar how far I've entered into the intelligent world and have left behind the "things of the devil". Another old friend once told me that "we become what we fear". I see evidence of that fear turning people nasty whenever an old crack brain like Scalia reveals how far back into the dark ages his brain has sunk. It's sad that a grown man has not grown emotionally beyond the 9-11 year old stage when fairies and other invisible things are very real. You can see the work of punishing nuns and priests in such beliefs as Scalia endorses. Further, if he truly believes in the devil, he is but one step removed from punishing people he imagines are witches. In fact, he would probably be one of those nit-pickers, looking for proofs of witchcraft in things like the shape of a person's head or color of their eyes. Read or watch Arthur Miller's The Crucible to see how reason can twist reality until reality seems a nightmare. That's what reason does. People who still believe in that devil nonsense are scary and completely irrational in all their beliefs. (For example, they would destroy a nation's economy in order to get their way.) They are exactly like the Abbot of Citeaux, Arnaud Amalric, the crusader whose army reached the outskirts Béziers. When he was asked if all in the city should be killed since some of them were Christian, he told his crusaders, "Kill them all. God will know his own." That's reason at work. Spooky man is Scalia. 


the face of terrorism in America
The Teapublican terror brigade's alien cell in the American government hopes that we don't recall what they've been saying for months, i.e. we're going to shut down your American government if you don't do what we want. Their allies in terror at Fox News have already forgotten or they never knew, since, mostly, they just make up the news as they go along. If the Teapublicans and their wealthy friends in broadcasting manage to flip the responsibility for the shutdown, then we'll know that the American people have lost their ability to think for themselves. Like the Nazi's the Teapublicans believe that if they lie long enough and frequently enough, the people will come to believe the lie. Will it work in such an obvious case as this one?